Stock / Storage pests

Infest basic foods as well as animal food after harvest, during transport and during storage. This affects granaries, silos and storage rooms. Beetles, flies, ants, moths and mites can cause great damage in private households and the food industry.

Mass reproduction of pests can occur very quickly if large quantities of food are stored over a long period of time.

Some species prefer cereal products, sausage, cheese, bakery products and nuts; some species also prefer dried fruits, spices or chocolate. Feeding and contamination by excretions of the animals cause a lot of damage. Contaminated food is no longer suitable for consumption for hygienic reasons in the event of a severe infestation, and can even be life-threatening in the event of an emergency.





Ant (smaller than 3mm)
Grain weevil
Indian meal moth
Mealworm beetle
Mealworm larva
Pyralid moth
Pyralid moth larva
Rice weevil






PEMA Innotech Swiss GmbH
5722 Graenichen AG

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