Identifying pests

Effective control of pests is only possible if they are clearly identified.

Hygiene and health pests

Transmit pathogens such as: Viruses, bacteria, plasmodia, borrelia and flagellates. Hygiene or health pests can severely damage human and animal health by causing allergies and dangerous diseases.


Stock / Storage pests

Infest basic foods as well as animal food after harvest, during transport and during storage. This affects granaries, silos and storage rooms. Beetles, flies, ants, moths and mites can cause great damage in private households and the food industry.


Annoying pests

Are usually not pests, but their presence is perceived as unpleasant, annoying and disturbing because they like to stay in human surroundings. For humans, annoying pests are not dangerous and usually do not cause any harm. However, their sight and smell alone can be disgusting, frightening and annoying.


Agricultural and forest pests

Are insect pests that negatively affect the growth or health of crops in plant cultivation, horticulture, fruit growing and forestry. Agricultural pests in plantations of fruit, vegetables, cereals, potatoes, cotton, tobacco and cannabis can lead to significant crop losses. Forest pest activities in forests and parks can cause trees to dry out and die.


Material pests

By this we primarily mean adult insects and/or their larvae which, thanks to their mouthparts, have a strong gnawing ability. Material pests attack or destroy plant and animal materials and materials such as: Clothing, textiles, carpets, furs, paper, books, wood, leather or masonry and feed on them. In the process, they leave behind signs of damage (pitting), which often contribute to the complete destruction of the goods.




PEMA Innotech Swiss GmbH
5722 Graenichen AG

Copyright PEMA Innotech Swiss GmbH